Q.P. CODE: 204010 Reg. No: …
Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations
Community Health Nursing
October 2016
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (2x10=20)
1. Define sewage. Explain the modern sewage treatment (2+8=10)
2. List the aims of epidemiology. Explain the epidemiology of malaria (2+8=10)
Short Notes (7x5=35)
3. Standards of ventilation.
4. Descriptive epidemiology
5. Population explosion.
6. Objectives of family health care.
7. Elements of primary health care
8. Principles of health education.
9. Swine flu
Define the following (5x2=10)
10. Health
11. Hardness of water
12. Malnutrition
13. Communicable disease
14. Eradication
Differentiate between the following (5x2=10)
15. Shallow well - Deep well
16. Source - Reservoir
17. Amoebiasis - Ascariasis
18. Pandemic - Sporadic
19. Anopheles mosquito - Culex mosquito
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